'When I die, Dublin will be written in my heart.' -James Joyce

Mo Theachín Gan Chuma Gan Chaoi le Julia Donaldson

Mo Theachín Gan Chuma Gan Chaoi le Julia Donaldson

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Níl an tseanbhean pioc sásta – tá a teachín i bhfad róbheag di, fiú do dhuine amháin. Cad is féidir a dhéanamh? Bhuel, tá plean suimiúil ag seanfhear cliste a thagann an tslí. Ach an mbeidh an tseanbhean sásta má bhíonn a teachín lán d’ainmhithe?

'A Squash and a Squeeze' is a rhyming fable that tells of a little old lady who thinks her home is too small. A wise man tells her to take in a succession of animals so that it really is a squash in the house!